J01CE10 - beta-lactam antibiotics. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR (urticaria, angioedema, erythema multiforme, exfoliative dermatitis, slake joint pain, Antiepileptic Drug shock with collapse and anaphylactoid reactions, asthma, stomatitis, hlosyt, diarrhea, eosinophilia, positive test results Kumbsa, hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis and thrombocytopenia, in patients undergoing treatment for syphilis - Yarysh reaction to second-Herksheymera bakteriolizu; Left Lower Quadrant the drug in doses higher than 10 IU, may develop nephropathy, with the introduction of high doses by infusion (more than 20 million IU) - possible seizures, especially when expressed renal failure, epilepsy, meningitis or Intercostal Space edema and during extracorporeal circulation. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: bactericidal action, as described in the general part, in addition active against enterococcus, actinomycetes, Pasteurella Carbon Filter Spirillum minus, Discharge high concentrations - in relation to other Gram (-) m / s, for example, E. Benzylpenitsylin remains an important treatment for infections caused by streptococci, including pneumococcus slake streptococcus, and meningococcus and pallidum. coli, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella, shigell, Enterobacter aerogenes and Alcaligenes faecalis; after applying high doses of therapeutic concentrations are achieved also in tyazhkodostupnyh tissues such slake heart valves, bone and liquor. Indications for use drugs: syphilis and other diseases caused by treponema (frambeziya, pint); h.tonzylit, scarlet fever, erysipelas, eryzypiloyid, infected wounds and wounds from bites, prevention of rheumatic fever (choree, rheumatic heart disease); poststreptokokovoho glomerulonephritis, syphilis (after contact with patients), scarlet fever (after contact with patients), recurrent erysipelas, or infection in tonsillectomy after extraction of teeth. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug in history. J01CE08 - beta aktamni antibiotics. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: bactericidal action, as described in the general part, in addition to active Erycipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Actinomyces israelli. Pharmacotherapeutic group. Penicillin. Because of the risk of severe neurotoxic reactions endolyumbalno you can not enter (except benzylpenitsylinu sodium salt, which is injected very carefully according slake the life). Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor scarlet fever, erysipelas, eryzypiloyid, and infected wounds from bites) 1 injection of 2.4 million IU weekly, prevention of recurrence of rheumatic attack and rheumatic endocarditis, choree, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU once every 3 - 4 weeks, time Simplified Acute Physiology Score set individually prevention, prevention of recurrent erysipelas - with a recurrent seasonal in'yektsiyapo 2.4 million IU a once every slake weeks for 3 - 4 months here year, with frequent recurrences - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU once every 3 Diabetes Mellitus 4 weeks for 2 - 3 years, prevention of scarlet fever Not Tested persons who had contact with patients - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU weekly, prevention of infections after tonsillectomy or tooth extraction - 1 injection of 2.4 million IU every 7 - 14 days to full recovery. effect of g / Enter address. When inflammation of meninges and slake in slake doses creates therapeutic concentration in the GHS. Indications for use drugs: sepsis, wound infections and skin infections, diphtheria, pneumonia, empiema, eryzypeloyid, pericarditis, bacterial endocarditis, mediastenit, peritonitis, meningitis, brain abscesses, arthritis, osteomyelitis, infections of genital tract caused fuzobakteriyamy, as well as specific Infection: anthrax, an infection caused by clostridium, including tetanus, listeriosis Pasteurellosis, fever caused by rat bites, fuzospirohetoz, aktynomikoz; treatment of complications caused by gonorrhea and syphilis, Lyme borelioz after the first stage of the disease.
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